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case study

R&D project: Non-conformance mangement for aircraft manufacturer

Service offer developed by Expleo

The context

During quality control, some parts may show non-conformance. It is then necessary to quickly assess the impact of this anomaly on the assembly of the mating parts.

The non-conformance is a massive issue for aircraft manufacturers, that happens often on the same components. It is essential to optimize the management of concessions in order to be more efficient and encourage cost/time-savings.

The project

Expleo developed a solution to delegate the assessment of the conformity of a part and approve or clear the concession according to manufacturing standards.

The use of non-conformance management process can lead to reduce the number of concession. Based on comparative analysis recorded in a database, the nonconformance management can clear concession that happened before and fasten the process.

Expleo’s expertise in action

  • Design & stress analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Non-conformance assessment

What’s next?

In order to complete the offer and optimize the process, non-conformance management will soon be able to add data science, machine learning and AI to its tools.

Contact us for more information on Expleo’s R&D projects.


Innovation Lab

Expleo enlivens a full R&D and innovation ecosystem (engineers, laboratories, start-ups, universities) to explore emerging technologies and create new business applications.